Grade 1 (Mrs. Peters)


Parents – Please see below what we will be working on for the month of February, miscellaneous items, and reminders.


  • Plant Survival – how a plant’s structure and function help it survive and grow.
  • Animals and How They Communicate



  • Solving word problems involving comparisons; organizing, collecting, and interpreting data using tally charts and picture graphs.



  • How Can We Use Our Imaginations?
    • Fables, opinion writing, persuasive text
    • Vowel sounds of y, open syllables, consonant patterns ng & nk, word parts, compound words, r-controlled vowels or, ore
    • Pronouns – I/me - capitalize I and proper names; adverbs that convey time
    • Handwriting – writing letters/words focusing on formation and placement, correct spacing, uppercase/lowercase


Social Studies

  • Being a Good Citizen
    • How Have Rights and Responsibilities Changed Over Time?
    • Our Community
      • What does a map help us do and what can we learn from maps?



  • Virtues in Practice:  St. John Bosco – Cheerfulness; looking on the bright side
  • St. Blaise
  • Jesus is With Us in the Grace we Receive Through the Sacraments
  • Joining God’s Family in Baptism
  • St. Valentine



  • Thank you to everyone that purchased books for our classroom at the Scholastic Book Fair.  The students will enjoy reading the new books!
  • Students enjoyed this year’s Catholic Schools Week festivities.  Thank you to everyone that supported the events!  A big thanks to the PTO for all their support and hard work!
  • Please make sure to contact the school office and teacher if your child is not going to be in school.
  • Homework is to be completed nightly and returned every morning in your child’s folder.  Please make sure any work sent home due to absence is returned promptly upon students return to school.  Students are responsible for completing all missed work. 
  • Please make sure your child is reading and practicing math facts!  These skills need to be reinforced daily so children can become more fluent.
  • Please send in your child’s signed report card (sent home on 1-17).  A copy will be made and sent back in the daily folder. 
  • Father/Daughter Valentine Dance is Friday, Feb. 7 from 6:30-9pm in the Social Center.  Tickets are $5 per person.  Tickets are available at the school and at Nick’s Nest.  No tickets will be sold at the door.  Please bring fruit/vegetable/cheese trays, snacks, baked goods (specify if they contain nuts).
  • Our class will have a Valentine’s Day Party on Fri., Feb. 14.  Students are allowed to bring in valentines cards.  PLEASE DO NOT PUT CHILDRENS NAMES ON THE VALENTINE CARDS.  Any donations for the party are appreciated.  Please let me know by Friday, Feb. 7 if you will be donating paper products/food/drink.  I will send out a message on the Parent’s Page to let everyone know what was donated.  Thanks in advance for your cooperation. 
  • If your child attends the weekly CYO basketball practice, please call the office or send in a note releasing your child to the gym for practice after school.  Students will not be released if the teacher or office is not notified.  Thank you for your help in this matter.
  • Spaghetti Supper will be held on Weds., Feb. 5, from 4-6:30pm.  There will be NO SPAGHETTI SUPPER ON MARCH 5th.  Ash Wednesday fish dinner will be available.  Proceeds benefit Our Lady of the Cross Church.
  • Please make sure your child brings in a snack and water bottle daily.  
  • Uniforms are to be worn during school Mass days – no dress down passes, birthday dress down, etc.
  • Children are allowed to bring in a birthday snack to share with the class.  Please send a note in your child’s folder (prior to your child’s birthday) as to what your child would like to bring or will be bringing.


Have a great night!


Mrs. Peters