Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-2831
Service Requirements
Parents/Guardians are required to complete 10 hours of service per family at Mater Dolorosa School or Our Lady of the Cross Church. If a family chooses not to complete service hours, a $200 or $20 per hour donation to the school will be assessed at year's end. As of January 1, 2019, the School Board voted and approved to have all families be required to work 4 of the 10 Service Hour Requirements at Spaghetti Suppers. The Spaghetti Suppers help fund many activities, field trips and educational materials used by all students. Hours may not be carried over to other families within the school.
Below are some of the areas where Service Requirements may be fulfilled:
PTO & School-Wide Functions (PTO meeting attendance does not qualify as volunteer hours.)
- Spaghetti Suppers (Sign up at and search for
- CYO (Coaching and Game Day Help)
- School Classroom Help
- School Office Help
- After School Extra-Curricular Activities
- Facilities Improvements (i.e. painting, landscaping, licensed electrician, etc.)
- Marketing Committee
- Fall Festival
- Functions that benefit the school as a whole (If you are unclear if an event/function qualifies as Service Hours, please contact the school office.)
- **Please note - Chaperoning Field Trips DOES NOT qualify as service hours. ***
Parents and family members working an event are responsible for either signing a Service Requirement Log at an event or submitting a Service Hour Slip to the event chair or faculty member.
Please click here for: SERVICE HOUR FORMS
As our family members have contact with our students, everyone is required to participate in a Safe Environment and Code of Conduct Program for children. Completion of the program requirement is done by using the online Virtus training program. The training takes approximately 45 minutes.
Follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Create a Login ID and Password
- Complete your training
Print off your completion certificate when received through email after your training has been verified and return a copy of the certificate to the school.
For more information on child protection from the Dioscese of Springfield, visit .