Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-2831
Grade 2 (Ms. Murphy)
School Year 2024-2025
**** 1st Parent Meeting for First Communion is Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30pm in cafeteria! ****
Catholic Schools Week-
Monday- Souper Bowl Service Project Day- Bring in a can of soup!
Tuesday- Sports Day- students and staff may dress down in support of their favorite sports team. Also, pizza will be offered for lunch from Fr. Albert and Mrs. Fedora along with the option of hot lunch or bringing in their lunch from home. Volleyball game with 7th and 8th graders at 1pm.
Wednesday- Students and staff can dress down in patriotic colors- red, white, and blue. There will be a K-9 demonstration at 9:30am. BOOK FAIR! 2nd grade will go to the book fair at 11- 11:30!
Thursday- Celebrating Vocations! Father will visit students and talk about his vocation. There will be a Yo- Yo Man assembly in the gymnasium at 12:45.
Friday- Celebrating our Faculty and Staff! Students may dress down in their teacher's favorite color (mine is RED)! PTO will sponsor an Ice Cream Social in the afternoon.
2nd Grade Information:
Lesson focus:
My View:
Procedural Text- Traditional Foods
Weekly Question: How does food help make a tradition?
Phonics- Decode Words with Vowel Teams oo, ue, ew, ui.
Spelling words: afternoon, bruise, cruise, drew, goose, argue, cocoon, cue, fewer, true, hear, enough
Math: Finishing up Topic 4 with test on Tuesday! Children had to continue to work on this topic. Topic 5 to start this week.
Religion: Celebrating Catholic Schools Week, and moving on in text book.
Science: Introducing this subject and starting Unit 1- Land and water.
If you have any questions and/or want more information, please email me ( and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!
Mrs. Murphy- Schonlaw