Mater Dolorosa Catholic School Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges
25 Maple Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 532-2831
Grade 2 (Ms. Murphy)
School Year 2024-2025
2nd Grade Here are a few reminders:
Homework is given daily and needs to be completed nightly. It will mainly be on spelling words, work not finished in Math, and reading.
Snack is allowed daily. Please pack one snack for your child to have because we do not have any available.
Lunch- lunch count is taken in the morning by 8:30am and can not be changed once handed in to the office. If your student comes into school after 8:30am they will need to have their own lunch from home, they will not be able to receive it from school.
Recess is everyday after lunch outside, weather permitting. Please remember fall/colder weather is coming so have students dress appropriately.
Specials and days:
Monday- Liturgical Music
Tuesday- Spanish and P.E.
Thursday- Technology/ computers
Wednesday or Friday- Art- I will try and make time for art projects for the children!
Lesson focus this week:
MyView: Interact with Sources: Explore the Diagram
Weekly Question: How does living in a community help people?
Phonics: Decode WOrds with Consonant Blends
Spelling words- nest, spend, strong, frog, stick, past, spring, scrap, blog, brick, sound, things.
Math: Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts, Solve Addition and Subtraction Word Problems, Problem Solving: Construct Arguments, Topic 1 test- Fluency Add and Subtract Within 20.
Religion: God Made Heaven and Earth, God is Our Father.
Social Studies: Comparing Communities- Urban, Rural, and Suburban
Our State and Our Country
If you have any questions and/or want more information, please email me ( and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you!
Mrs. Murphy- Schonlaw