Student Council

Fall 2023

 Congratulations to this year's Student Council Members: 

5th Jack Tisdell (new member)
5th Arya Jenkins (new member)
6th Brigid McArdle (new member)
6th Valentina Bresnahan (returning member)
6th Makaela Jenkins (returning member)
7th Finn Smith (new member)
8th Anna Wesloski (returning member)
8th Ty Sattler (returning member)
8th Gavin Kuckucka (returning member)
8th Eliza Curran (returning member)



Upcoming Events:

Student Council Pancake Breakfast TBD

Student Council School Store is active every Monday and Thursday from 7:45-8:15 and 1:00-1:30

Student Council Diocesan Leadership Summitt TBD

Student Council Spring Middle School Formal is set for April 10th 6-830
(more info to come soon)

Next Student Council Meeting
Tuesday April 23rd at 235-330